速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Winnipeg Folk Festival 2020

Winnipeg Folk Festival 2020



檔案大小:107.9 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Winnipeg Folk Festival 2020(圖1)-速報App

Winnipeg Folk Fest app is your complete guide to everything going on at the festival being held at Birds Hill Provincial Park, Manitoba, Canada. Get your very own electronic guide to the festival and discover the artists, view schedules, and stay up to date with Folk Fest - all from the palm of your hand.

Features include:

• Schedules: Includes all concerts, workshops, family area and more!

Winnipeg Folk Festival 2020(圖2)-速報App

• Artists: Find out when and where every artist is playing, discover new artists and listen to their music - all without leaving the app!

• Favourites: Create your own personalized schedule, organized by day and time. Add and remove artists with a single touch.

• Automatic Schedule Reminders: Receive a pop-up notification when one of your favourites is on stage, even when the app is closed! You’ll never miss a show again!

Winnipeg Folk Festival 2020(圖3)-速報App

• Playlist: Listen to all your festival favourites with the built-in playlist!

• Stay connected with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Integration

• Vendors: Discover the artisans in the Hand-Made Village and the amazing selection of food in the Food Village.

Winnipeg Folk Festival 2020(圖4)-速報App

• Info + Camping: Everything from operating times to help planning your day and various tips can be found here. Be sure to check this out before you get to the festival!

• Hear All Year: The fun continues all year long! This app will keep you connected to the Winnipeg Folk Festival's year-round concert series.

Please leave a comment and rating. Your valuable feedback will help improve the experience for everyone!

Winnipeg Folk Festival 2020(圖5)-速報App